I'd rather be burlesquing.

Friday, May 29, 2009

shameless self-promotion

I don't know if anyone still comes here. It feels kind of like a boarded-up diner in here, but I still can't rid myself of it entirely. Oh, the times that were had at The Burlesque. They'll write songs about us one day...

In any case, for the few (if any?) who come here, I now post more regularly (and by "regularly" I mean "once a month") at coucousalut(dot)blogspot(dot)com. I have a twitter account too, but I haven't quite worked that into my repetoire yet.

Oh yeah, and I have an etsy site now...coucousalut(dot)etsy(dot)com. Those are my little stuffed guys, grinning at your from bottom row center, above. I finally managed to do what I've been talking about since the start of this whole thing - open an online shop.

To those who are reading this - hi - I've missed you. We should talk soon.